Trevor R Choonhaurai

Coached by Choon

Become the best version of yourself

Trevor R Choonhaurai

Personal Trainer

I've always believed that results will be the main factor of a good personal trainer. If you cannot provide results within yourself, how can you provide results to others? Coached by Choon will provide results, accountability, and the plan you need to achieve what you want.

Trevor R Choonhaurai

Complete personalised fitness solution

One-to-one Video Calls

Connect with me over one-to-one video calls to discuss your goals, progress, techniques and more.

Compliance Tracking

Build long term healthy habits with weekly and monthly compliance trends for workouts, nutrition and everything else.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics like heart rate and calories burnt.

Weekly Check-ins

Check-in with weekly photos and measurements to keep track of your progress. Make amends whenever required.

Personalised Workouts

Get frequent tweaks on your workout plan based on your heart rate, feedback and of course, your schedule & preferences.

Customised Nutrition

Get meal plans based on your dietary preferences. I will constantly update your plan to ensure you get to eat what you like while keeping it healthy.

Fall in love with fitness

Meet the stronger, faster, and more confident version of yourself.